Our Test Services

EMI / EMC Tests
EMI Tests are carried out to check the harmful broadcasts, operating...
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Environmental Tests
Environmental Tests are carried out to determine the resistance of...
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EMI / EMC Tests
EMI Tests are carried out to check the harmful broadcasts, operating...
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Environmental Tests
Environmental Tests are carried out to determine the resistance of...
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S-TEST Testing and Compliance Inc. It aims to meet the testing needs of design and manufacturing companies, especially the defense industry, and to be an independent and reliable test authority on behalf of the public.

Low Pressure (Altitude) Test
Low Pressure (Altitude) Test is made to determine whether the tested sample will resist to low pressure (altitude) conditions or rapid pressure change.

High Temperature Test
It is made to determine the resistance of the tested sample against high temperature from natural environmental conditions.

Low Temperature Test
It is made to determine the resistance of the tested sample against low temperature from natural environmental conditions.

Thermal Shock Test
It is made to observe the resistance of the tested sample against rapid temperature changes.

Solar Radiation Test
Solar radiation test is made to determine the thermal effects or photochemical deterioration effects created on the tested material by direct exposure to solar radiation.

Humidity Test
This test is made to determine the resistance of the tested sample against humidity from natural environmental conditions.

Salt Fog Test
This test is made to determine the resistance of the protective coating and surfaces on the sample to be tested against salt fog effect.

Dust-Sand Test
Dust test is made to test resistance of test sample against the effects of dust such as closing gaps, filling into cracks, penetrating into insert bearings, rollers and junctures, plugging filters for particle dimensions of < 150 μm.

Immersion Test
It is made to determine the resistance of the tested sample against partial or full immersion.

Vibration Test
The sample to be tested is exposed to vibration under real circumstances so as to measure the resistance of the sample against vibration.

Acoustic Noise Test
The sample to be tested is exposed to vibration under real circumstances so as to measure the resistance of the sample against vibration.

Shock Test
This method is used to evaluate physical and functional performance of the material which would possibly be exposed to mechanically induced shocks during its expected life.

Temperature, Humidity, Altitude and Vibration Test
The samples resistance against the harsh conditions that the sample could face during its life cycle by simultaneous application of all these tests to the relevant sample.

Icing and Freezing Rain Test
Icing and Freezing Rain Test is made to determine the functional performance of the test sample regarding icing.

Freeze and Thaw Test
The purpose of this test is to determine the resistance capability of the material against the effects of humidity phase forming inside or on the material, between liquid and solid state while getting to freezing point from ambient temperature or the effects of humidity resulting from getting hot from cold or getting cold from hot.

DO 160 Test
DO-160 Compatibility Test describes standard environmental test conditions and applicable electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) test procedures for the equipment on air.