Immersion Test


It is made to determine the resistance of the tested sample against partial or full immersion. The performance of the sample is monitored during or at the end of the test, the errors emerging are recorded if there are any. Tests can be performed in accordance with any military and civil standards which are compatible with the technical specifications of climatization chambers. 

There is a pool at our test center for immersion tests which has the suitable depth and dimension for full immersion of the sample. According to the aim of the test the water in the pool can be fresh or salty. Besides, the temperature of water should be balanced depending to the circumstances that the sample would face under real life conditions. In order to provide that there is a controlled heating system in the pool. Furthermore, the material or equipment to be tested should have the specifications that can be exposed to partial or full immersion. By this way, the damage or defects that could emerge in case the material or equipment partially or fully submerged could be observed during the test.

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