Shock Test


Vibration and shock tests are performed to determine structural resistance of the device to be tested against dynamic loads it would be exposed under real working conditions and the weak points of the design. Test item resistance conditions and loads are determined according to military/civil standards or using the data collected according to real or close to real operating conditions of test item. Using mentioned loads in laboratory environment; tests are performed using data collection/processing devices, control devices, meters, shock devices and heat chambers if necessary.

Vibration tests enable application of vibrations the products are exposed during transportation in a controlled way in laboratory environment. Vibrations during transportation may result in extreme wearing of products, loosening of product connections and fasteners and product components getting harmed. Any equipment should be resistant against a fair amount of vibration so as to be functional. The equipment designed for rough or harsh environment, should be resistant to vibration without breaking down or without timeless wearing down. The only way to know if a product will endure the aimed application or hardships, is to test the product with that condition.

Shock Vibration-I
Test can be performed only in vertical direction (z).
Max. Power: 10kN
Max. Bearing Capacity: 300KG

Shock Vibration -II
Tests can be performed in 3 directions (x,y,z).
Max. Power: 50kN
Max. Bearing Capacity: 800KG

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